Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Dun dun dun...
3 - the number of times I have run in the last 4 weeks.
36 - the number of days until I leave for Guatemala.
39 - the number of days until I run the Coban Half Marathon (or attempt to).
1,511 - the number of dollars raised by friends and family for my trip (this number was confirmed today by Habitat staff - I've never been good at math, so I pride myself on the fact that I used a calculator and email notifications to keep track of this on my own).
I know I haven't been very good at blogging lately. I clearly haven't been very good at running lately, either. However, I saw the facebook status of a friend yesterday that was Romans 5: 3-4. He had a portion of this up, but then entire scripture reads "Not only so, but let us also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces endurance; endurance, character; and character, hope." Now, I know that most people don't think of running as suffering. As one of my friends put it, running is "pain with a purpose" (I'm working on overcoming the pain - thanks ChiRunning). As of right now, running / training is an obligation for me. I didn't go about this the right way, which was to build a foundation of simply running and then decide to work toward the goal of a half-marathon. Nevertheless, y'all have contributed your hard-earned money and support to get me to Guatemala, and I will not let you down. I know the purpose of the trip as a whole is not the half-marathon, but the building of houses, the building of friendships, the spreading of God's love - the "mission" in "mission trip." But, the race is half the reason I signed up for this trip, and by golly, I'm going to run it. I'm not a quitter.
So, I am going to "suffer" through 6 am wake-up calls (because I simply cannot find the motivation after a long day at work) to build my "endurance" up to 10 miles the week before the run - this trip will build my "character" and I will continue to place my "hope" in God - now and always.
Wish me luck.
Monday, March 22, 2010
As you may have guessed, or if you can read my thermometer to the left, I have reached - nay, exceeded! - my goal! Thanks to each of you, my lofty goal of raising $1,500 was reached on Friday of last week. A very, very big THANK YOU to each of you who donated to help this cause. I know you won't regret it. As for me, I could not be more excited about this, and the realization that this is actually happening! I leave for my trip in a 8 weeks and 3 days - until then, I will keep y'all interested in my basically starting over training. As unfortunate as it is, some major setbacks have caused me to get way behind in my half marathon training - the way it stands right now, I doubt I will be running the Nashville half. I will keep you up to date with the goings-on of that. For now, the 33rd Annual Cooper River Bridge Run is this weekend here in Charleston, and 2 very dear friends are coming to town for it - Boe from ATL and Beckecky from Charlotte. So excited for their visits!!
Stay tuned :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
So close!
An update on the running - went to my ChiRunning workshop, where I learned some depressing news. Apparently, I am a very aggressive "heel-striker," which is what is causing my shin splints. It's going to take a lot of work to re-train my body and mind to "relax my ankles" (how do you even do that?!?!) and land with a mid-foot strike, putting MUCH less pressure and impact on my shins. I am committed to making this happen, because I really do enjoy the running, but I've been so hesitant to get back out there recently because of the pain. I have 6.5 weeks until Nashville, and am planning to start this weekend at 4 miles and work my way back up on my long runs. Bridge run is coming up in 2 weeks and Boe is coming to town! So excited, and it lines up perfectly with my 6-mile run :)
This weekend I am going out to a Habitat build with the Clemson Young Alumni and the Clemson Women's Alumni Council on Johns Island - should be a great time! Update on Sunday! Thanks again for all the support! Oh, and keep JAM in your thoughts and prayers - he and a missionary group are on a trip to Nicaragua this week - returning on Saturday. I'm sure they're doing some great work down there!
XOXO (Gossip Girl came back yesterday - who's excited??)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
An update on running: over the past months, I seem to have developed what we in the biz call "shin splints." This is painful. When I talked to JAM about it a while back, he said it probably had a lot to do with form, and I should really revisit the basics and think about my form while running. Honestly, I kind of brushed it off (no offense, buddy). But now, weeks later, I'm starting to think the guy who's run marathons and triathalons might be smarter than me...
Enter: ChiRunning.
Before you roll your eyes (heck, go ahead - I did), the cover of the book says "A revolutionary approach to effortless, injury-free running." Sounds pretty stinkin' awesome, right? Right. So, last week I went to my first Charleston Running Club meeting, where there was to be a panel of speakers discussing common injuries in running, their treatment, and most importantly, their prevention. The first speaker was Scott Smith, a Certified ChiRunning Instructor out of Mt. Pleasant's EcoFitness. I will spare you the details of his particular speech and point you to the website here instead, so you can read about on your own if you choose.
I bought the book on Tuesday and also signed up for an Intro to ChiRunning Workshop, taking place this Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Ideally, I would like to be finished with the book and have tested out what I've learned before going to the workshop - I believe it can be done. The basic principles involve re-thinking your running strategy, as well as teaching new ways to run pain-free. I know it sounds like a bunch of new-age mumbo jumbo, but it actually makes sense. Better posture (which we all need anyway!), leaning forward to let gravity pull you, focused breathing and "body sensing" - all core ideas that, when grouped together as one, affect how you run, and how running affects you.
I'm very excited to get started ChiRunning - I have been practicing my posture, my breathing and even my walking for the last 2 days in preparation. Stay tuned for updates after the weekend. The Nashville run is 7 weeks from Saturday!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The best things in life are(n't) free!
My trip to Guatemala with Habitat for Humanity is going to be awesome. Not only are we (currently the team has 26 participants) helping to build affordable housing for the citizens of Guatemala, but before we begin our work we will be running a half marathon in Coban. That's what makes this trip extra special, and this is also the reason I picked it. As most of you know, I'm currently in training for the Music City Half Marathon in Nashville on April 24th. A mere 3 weeks later, I will be running the Coban Half in Guatemala, and then working alongside the recipients of the Habitat house we are building. Below is a picture of Coban. Looks hilly, huh? Also looks tropical - I believe I saw the word "rainforest" somewhere in the description of the run...yikes.

The total trip cost is $1,500 - so far, I have raised $488 - to the left you will see my handy dandy fundraising "thermometer." I will update this tool after every single donation I receive. Here's where you come in! I am asking for everyone to donate $13 - this represents the number of miles in a half-marathon. Well, actually, if we want to get technical, you can each donate $13.10, but beggars (literally!) can't be choosers. I figure if I can get 100 people to donate $13, I'll be all set! Feel free (very free) to donate more, but any size donation will be so greatly appreciated.
Ways to donate:
1) Give me your winning Powerball lottery ticket, valued at $24 million - trust me, your money will be well-spent;
2) Visit my fundraising page here - if you choose this method, the money goes straight to Habitat (and not to my next vacation in Hawaii) and is also tax deductible (score!), or
3) Check (made out to Habitat for Humanity International) mailed directly to me - for mailing address, please email me at
Please pass this website and/or blog around to anyone you think may want to help - I'm 32.5% of the way there, with only 27 days to go! Remember to check back often for updates on my progress in both the world of running and fundraising...and ps - my legs hurt, but I'm still trucking along! Another 4 miles tonight :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
This week my schedule had me running 4 miles Monday and Wednesday, 2 or cross on Tuesday (I did it on Thursday instead) and 6 on Saturday/Sunday. A couple of things came up for both me and RB, so I ran 10 miles on my own this week (4, 4 and 2). All went well until this weekend - Southeastern Wildlife Exposition was this Valentine's weekend, and we were pretty busy with that, so my running fell by the wayside until tonight when I was finished at 6 pm. Oh, also, Friday night we got SNOW!! About 2 inches, and it was awesome - Pookie, Curly and I had a snowstorm sleepover and it was awesome. So the long run. 6 miles. FAIL. I don't know what my deal is, but I got 2 miles into the run and just quit. I really don't have anything to say about it other than 6 miles felt so daunting after the weekend full of work that I had. So, tomorrow is 4 again (with RB, yay!) and I will pull it together and have a great run! If you want to send some encouraging thoughts my way , please do!

Had dinner with JAM on Thursday night, and as usual, it was awesome. He's one of those people that I have such a great time with, and everytime I see him, I wish it was more often. We go way back - all the way to 8th grade. He's a great guy, and an excellent "coach/mentor" for me right now. In other news, got an email from my Run and Build team leader today to see who of us was actually planning to run the half in Guatemala. Participants are scattered all over the east coast, it seems - Boston, NYC, D.C., Canada - should be a great group! Something that caught me off guard is that our fundraising goals must be met by MARCH 23rd! That's so close! I need to get on the ball. Hopefully later this week there will be information on how you can help me reach my goal to run a half in Guatemala and volunteer with Habitat! If you have any tips on fundraising, send those on over, too!
Just about bedtime...
Sunday, February 7, 2010 the lonliest number
Well, I am almost 1/3 of the way done with my training - and what a ride. Today I had my long run of the week - my RB had to study for a test, so I went solo (hence the title). I decided that since I don't know any great 5-mile routes, I would try my luck at the track behind the police station on Ann Edwards Lane. I figured, yeah, it'll be boring, but I can count down my laps and that might make 5 miles seem more manageable. Last time we were scheduled for a long run, I was a little "under the weather" and then last week I really was under the weather. So this was my longest run to date. 20 laps. It was pretty boring. But, I got through it, and only walked 3 times, about 1/2 a lap each time. My time was not great, but you know what they say: slow and steady wins the race! Although I'm sure I won't be winning any races at a pace of 12 minutes/mile.
This week we bump things up a big - 4 miles Monday and Wednesday and 6 on Saturday. On Tuesday, I have a work meeting until 6 and bible study at 7, so I am going to get up in the morning and run my 2 miles on the treadmill. I used to do this a lot (I say a lot, but it was probably like 10 times total), so it shouldn't be that difficult. Stay tuned.
I know I promised some info on the new bible study - my sister and I had been trying to find a church down here for a while now - we grew up Methodist, but were not limiting ourselves to a Methodist church, although that is what we tried at first. Then we went to a Presbyterian church that we really liked, but didn't have a whole lot of young people like us - definitely some high schoolers, but no college age or young adults. We had both heard good things about St. Andrews church in the Old Village, so we decided to try it out. My running mentor, JAM, goes there, and we were going to tag along with him, but he was running late, so we just snagged a seat in the back, where we ran into an old friend (and former junior tennis doubles partner) of mine, Tyler. She and her friend had just started there as well, and were joining a bible study that same week called "Girls on the Run" - made up of girls mostly our age, and with very active and busy lifestyles, who meet once a week downtown.
So Pookie and I gave it a shot, and it was awesome! We start out with about 20 minutes of worship time, which involves turning the lights down and the music up - some people journal during this time, but most of us just sit quietly, eyes closed, and clear our minds for the lesson. This past week, the playlist contained one of my all-time favorite songs, Grace. It was a version I'd never heard before, but it was great just the same - I even sang along! We are studying John and learning about the kind of man Jesus was. At the end, we all take a Post-It and write our name at the top and our specific prayer requests for the week, then put them in a pile and pick a new one and pray for that person. Its really great, and we're meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends.
I promise some new info on Habitat in the next post - maybe Tuesday? Y'all come back now, ya hear?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tricks of the trade
I am officially over my brutal head cold, and back in the running habit! Over the weekend, the Oyster Festival took place, out at Boone Hall Plantation, and I must say, it was the most successful event that I have seen out there - we are estimating between 10,000 and 11,000 patrons! If you were out there on Sunday, you know what 11,000 people looks and feels like. The weather was awesome as well - despite the influx of rain on Saturday, the Boone Hall grounds were not terribly muddy (we did lose a lot of acreage parking-wise because 2 fields were first frozen and then flooded once they thawed), and the temperature was a cool and crisp 49 degrees, but very sunny! My nose and forehead even got a little sunburned, which was surprising. All in all, a GREAT Sunday to be outside and amongst friends.
Monday's run proved to be much harder than I thought - I kept getting lightheaded and having to take breaks. My running buddy (still need a name for her) was great, though, and whenever I would stop to walk, she would keep running a block or two and circle back for me, which motivated me and also kept her running the whole time. Last night (Tuesday), I ran 2 miles on the treadmill instead of cross-training to work on my endurance for tonight's run. Afterward, my shins hurt so bad I had trouble walking up the stairs to my apartment. I iced each shin for about 10 minutes and then went to bible study (more on that in another post).
Today's run was nearly perfect. My buddy chose to run 5.5 miles this afternoon, so she said that our run was focused solely on me, which scared me at first, but ended up being awesome. Since she had already gotten her workout in, she was happy to run at my slightly slower pace, which allowed me to run steadily and concentrate on my breathing and form. I went at lunch to The Foot Store and got a new pair of kicks because a few little birdies had told me that might have something to do with my shin splints. The guy hooked me up with a pair of Brooks (switched over from my trusty Asics) and they were nice and shiny and I was feeling very excited. To give you an idea of how broken-down my old shoes were, he practically bent them in half in the store - my new shoes hardly give at all. With my new shoes, a new attitude and RB's (running buddy) patience and motivation, our 3.5 mile run was enjoyable and uplifting. RB is very knowledgeable and inspiring when she can tell I'm starting to get a little down in the dumps, and that's been a huge help to me.
This weekend, Pookie is having surgery (again!) - this time on her broken arm. She fell while in DC this past weekend and broke her arm in 3 places! Poor Pookie. On Saturday we have another 5-mile attempt, and I'm a little anxious, but excited as well. Sunday is the SuperBowl - I'm pulling for the Colts. Who are you pulling for? PS - its nearly time to start fund-raising for my little excursion down South. I also need to share with y'all some pictures of some fun stuff I have from Habitat :)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Not a whole lot to report right now, except that I am currently recovering from a pretty bad head cold that started on MONDAY! Yes, today is Friday and I'm still fairly congested. Decided that since my schedule was pretty forgiving, I would just scratch this week, because next week is the same and I wanted to be fully recovered so I could give it my all.
This weekend is the Oyster Festival at Boone Hall, so I'll be super busy with that - 65,000 lbs of oysters will be loading in tomorrow in the pouring rain and 49-degree weather. Sunday will be chilly and muddy, but should be great weather for oysters and fun!
Next week's schedule:
Monday: 3.5 miles
Tuesday: 2 miles or cross-train
Wednesday: 3.5 miles
Thursday: rest
Friday: 40 min. cross
Saturday: 5 miles
Also, you people aren't doing a very good job of holding me accountable, so please work on that! I was also just given a $100 gift card to Half Moon Outfitters so I can get some new running clothes - anyone have any suggestions for clothes? I wear Champion brand stuff from Target right now. Also, need to get new shoes since I think that might be part of the cause of my shin splints. Suggestions/comments/feedback are welcome and appreciated - let me know you're out there!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Habitat for Haiti
This week has been great! Monday's 3-miler was good - not great. I didn't take my Multivitamin and didn't eat a mid-afternoon snack, so I was sort of dragging on the run. Nevertheless, got through it ok, but had to stop twice (mayyyybe 3 times, I can't remember) to catch my breath. Tuesday, I had a work meeting until about 6:30 and then a phone catch-up date with Gilly to hear all about her NYE trip to the Big Easy. 7:30 rolls around and I still hadn't done my 2 miles/crosstrain, so I made Tuesday a rest day and am doing 2 miles tonight instead. Yesterday's 3-mile run was AWESOME! I made a goal to not stop the entire time, and accomplished that goal! We were forced to stop Broad Street and Calhoun St. both ways, and while it was a welcome break, I did not ASK to stop. Tonight is 2 miles, where I am going to try and do some interval training to build up my endurance and maybe pick up some speed, too. Saturday is 4 miles with a girl I work with. I don't trust myself to do the long runs alone, yet.
Ok, the plug. I'm sure you've all heard about the 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti on Tuesday. The devastation that resulted is beyond belief. For a nation that is one of the poorest in the world already, a disaster like this is crippling. Also, you're all aware that in 4 months I am going on an 11-day mission trip to Guatemala with Habitat for Humanity. I got an email last night from Habitat with a link to their Disaster Response page. I'm posting that here in case any of you (or people you know, as I'd really like this blog to be spread far and wide) have been thinking of how to get involved, but were not sure what to do. The website doesn't really explain HFHI's mission in Haiti, so if you're interested, I've attached the email I got below:
Dear Jennifer,
Imagine the fear of the earth shaking violently beneath you as you would never have thought possible. Imagine the utter terror of your home crumbling in around you. While the assessments are just beginning, already we know that the 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti’s capital of Port-au-Prince Tuesday is a catastrophe of major proportions.
Your support NOW is critically important! The extent of Habitat's ability to help families rebuild their homes and lives after this devastating earthquake will depend on the funds we can raise for the work—and on how quickly those funds are available.
Join us in praying for the best—but preparing for the worst. Please help by making a secure online donation today.
Habitat has worked in Haiti for 26 years — and we will be there for the long term to help families whose homes were lost get back into safe, decent and affordable housing.
Support the victims in Haiti with an emergency online donation.
Thank you for your help during this critical time.
Jonathan Reckford
Chief Executive Officer
Habitat for Humanity
Please consider donating - after reading about the disaster and seeing pictures I wish I hadn't seen, I can't get it out of my mind. Feel free to pass the link and/or this blog post along to friends and family.
I also wanted to share with you 2 other blogs I was sent yesterday. My friend Boe in ATL has friends of friends who are living and working as missionaries in Haiti and they wrote about their experience on Tuesday here and here. Please check it out and pray for them as they deal with this most challenging path ahead of them.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Well, HELLOOOOOO big dollop!
That's what I feel like right now. My sister and I were just musing (big word) about how we are surprised we didn't turn out to be obese children/young adults. With all the ice-cream-for-breakfast overnight trips to Memaw's, cookie-line back-stabbings-with-a-fork (every night, it seemed - not the stabbings, but the cookies), gigantic spoonfuls of chocolate icing for an afternoon snack, it really is a wonder we (I) aren't overweight. And while I have gotten somewhat better at controlling my raging sweet tooth, it is still always lurking around a corner, threatening to throw me completely off track. And you know what? Sometimes I let it.
Example: Friday afternoon/evening was an absolute disaster. A lot of bad news was floating around the airwaves. I had to go pick up a few things for Pookie the invalid, and while I was at the grocery store, I saw some "triple chocolate cookies" that looked just divine. So, I bought them - thinking, "These will be great when I want something sweet, and I won't eat a whole cake." Well, by the time I had gotten out of the store and over to Pookie's, I had eaten 6 cookies. I have absolutely no willpower when its sitting right there in front of me. So, that is my next mission: to resist any and all over-indulgence in temptation, including (but not limited to) chocolate-chip cookies, triple chunk brownies, devil's food cake with butterscotch and butterfinger topping (cough, roomie), cupcakes from down the street at Cupcake, cupcakes from anywhere, candy bars, gloopy squares, chocolate-covered raisins, chocolate-covered cherries, chocolate-covered-anything-of-any-kind, etc.
Whew. Wish me luck. Now, in the world of running. Last week was great! With my calculation error on Tuesday, I ran a total of 10.5 miles, which is 1.5 miles less than I was supposed to run, but still - Rome wasn't built in a day, people. Thursday's and Saturday's runs were great because of a new running buddy! A friend from college heard through my friend Boe that I was just starting to train, and she had been looking to get back into running, so voila! She lives right near my office downtown, so its super convenient, and she has some great routes already mapped through the City! Running through downtown is much better than I thought - we head down quiet streets with little traffic, PLUS, sometimes we have to stop to cross a semi-busy street, and man, does that feel good. Saturday's 4-miler was such a great feeling, even though it was only 36 degrees. I'm still having to stop a few times to catch my breath, but I'm working on that.
Anyway, there you go, you're updated, are you happy?! I kid. This week's schedule, so that you can follow along and keep me accountable is below. Also, check out Mexi's new blog here - say hi and welcome her to the Blog world!
Monday: 3 miles
Tuesday: 2 miles or cross
Wednesday: 3 miles + strength
Thursday: rest
Friday: 30 min. cross
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: Stretch/strength
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Training begins…and its rough in 40-degree weather!
Well hello, there!
I’m so sorry I’ve left y’all high and dry for the last month. I’m only going to say that I thoroughly enjoyed December and the major events that occurred during it – Mexi’s wedding, Gilly and Co.’s big Christmas party, Christmas and New Years. Oh yeah! And Croft started walking!! That was very exciting for me to get to see, on New Years Day.
Ok, so – Happy New Year! My training for the half marathon, and the one following it 3 weeks later, officially began on Monday, January 4th. I have 16 full weeks until the half marathon in Nashville, which I registered for a few days before the price increase. Boe, my amazing ATL friend, is registering next week. Sad news from Gilly – she will be unable to participate in the half, but is going to join me on the trip and cheer us on! I will miss her on my runs (no, this is not a guilt trip!!).
A while back, Gilly found a training schedule online at Hal Higdon’s website. It looked great, and he’s a professional runner, so we thought this was the best to use. And it is. My friend JAM and I had dinner on Sunday (refer to post “SLACK is spelled J-E-N-N-Y” for more info on this friend) and had a great time. We talked about lots of stuff, but the reason behind our dinner outing was that I wanted to get his advice and help on my training. Of course, I forgot my training schedule, but JAM asked me to send it to him the next day and also to update him weekly with how my runs were going. So not only did he agree to be my running “mentor”, he took my training schedule and expanded it from a 12-week schedule to a 16-week schedule to fit perfectly from now until April 24th. He also pointed me to a great website that lets you map any route you want and shows you the length in tenths of miles. It’s really neat – check it out if you’re just starting like me and have no idea where to run around your area. I have mapped about 5 routes since Monday.
I will post the schedule in the next post, because I can’t figure it out right now. I want everyone to know exactly what I’m doing everyday, so that if, at any given time in the next 16 weeks, anybody (and by anybody, I mean the 10 people who read this blog) can ask me what I did in the way of training that day, I will have to tell them. Because they’ll know what I was supposed to have done and they’ll know if I’ve done it. Because I’m a terrible liar. So, I invite YOU (yes, you!), to keep me on my toes and ask me about my training e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. I’m going to tell you right now what I’ve done so far, since I don’t have the schedule posted yet. Monday, I did stretch and strengthen. Stretches – easy. Strengthen – easy. The last “strength” exercise was lunges. KILL ME NOW. I am STILL sore and it hurts to stand up and sit down from my chair at work. Tuesday (yesterday) I went for a 2.5 mile run. I was supposed to do 3, but I made an error in calculation. Easily fixed. It was 39-degrees when I started, but I was honestly not that cold. Today I was scheduled for either 2 miles or cross-training. Since I have no bike and my sister/tennis partner is incapacitated right now having had leg surgery 3 weeks ago and her appendix out last night, I chose to compromise and run 1 mile. It was cold.
Tomorrow is 3 miles again. Saturday is 4. I promise promise promise to keep you updated with (at least) weekly updates on my training.