This week my schedule had me running 4 miles Monday and Wednesday, 2 or cross on Tuesday (I did it on Thursday instead) and 6 on Saturday/Sunday. A couple of things came up for both me and RB, so I ran 10 miles on my own this week (4, 4 and 2). All went well until this weekend - Southeastern Wildlife Exposition was this Valentine's weekend, and we were pretty busy with that, so my running fell by the wayside until tonight when I was finished at 6 pm. Oh, also, Friday night we got SNOW!! About 2 inches, and it was awesome - Pookie, Curly and I had a snowstorm sleepover and it was awesome. So the long run. 6 miles. FAIL. I don't know what my deal is, but I got 2 miles into the run and just quit. I really don't have anything to say about it other than 6 miles felt so daunting after the weekend full of work that I had. So, tomorrow is 4 again (with RB, yay!) and I will pull it together and have a great run! If you want to send some encouraging thoughts my way , please do!

Had dinner with JAM on Thursday night, and as usual, it was awesome. He's one of those people that I have such a great time with, and everytime I see him, I wish it was more often. We go way back - all the way to 8th grade. He's a great guy, and an excellent "coach/mentor" for me right now. In other news, got an email from my Run and Build team leader today to see who of us was actually planning to run the half in Guatemala. Participants are scattered all over the east coast, it seems - Boston, NYC, D.C., Canada - should be a great group! Something that caught me off guard is that our fundraising goals must be met by MARCH 23rd! That's so close! I need to get on the ball. Hopefully later this week there will be information on how you can help me reach my goal to run a half in Guatemala and volunteer with Habitat! If you have any tips on fundraising, send those on over, too!
Just about bedtime...
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