Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Adventures...

Hello, Blog World (and friends)!

This is my first ever blog, so please bear with me while I figure this out.

In an effort to increase my involvement in life in Charleston outside of work, I have set a goal for myself: to run a half-marathon. Not just any half-marathon, but one that takes place in Nashville, TN - a city brimming with country music stars...and mountains. Lots and lots of mountains. Now, as some of you may know, I have never been "fond" of exercise. Playing tennis in high school and walking the sprawling and slightly hilly campus of Clemson University were the extent of my exercise...until about 2 months ago.

A friend and I would walk the Ravenel bridge about once every 2 weeks, and we would always discuss certain issues - one of which was our exercise regimen, or lack thereof, since leaving college. I decided, with the help of some internet research, to set a goal to run a half-marathon, and recruited my friend to join me. Well 2 months has come and gone, and aside from some once-a-week bridge running (we did eventually upgrade to running!), I am in no better shape than I was back in August - nor do I have the ability to run 30 minutes without stopping, which I hear is semi-crucial to running 13.1 miles.

Enter: The Blog.

I know myself, and I know how I respond to peer pressure - I tend to fold like cheap lawn furniture. This blog is deisgned to update my readers (hey Mom and Dad, certainly my only 2 right now) on my progress, which will, in turn, motivate me to keep up the training and reach my goal. As if that wasn't enough incentive, I am going to pull an Emeril and kick it up a notch. But more on that surprise later. Tonight is my first solo bridge run, and my intention is to keep running it on a regular basis (no, not everyday - I do have some semblence of a life) until I can run the whole thing without stopping. Even the hills. When that happens, I will let you know. Until then, I will slowly fill you in on the surprise...

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I will get motivated too and we can actually run the bridge run this year!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!
