Last night after work, my friend (she needs a name - suggestions?) and I guessed it, the bridge. We were feeling particularly optimistic, so we decided to run up the big hill. This time I didn't have the traffic haunting me and pushing me, but I did have her. I was able to get farther than I got before, going uphill at least, but still didn't make it to the top. We walked from Diamond A (refer to the pic if you must) to Diamond B and ran all the way to the turn-around and ALL THE WAY BACK!! That's exactly 2 miles for those of you interested. I am going to brag for a minute and say that I took my long-sleeved shirt off mid-run AND managed to tie it around my waist...all without breaking stride.
We caught our breath (more so me than her) and ran from in-between the 2 diamonds all the way down. It was our most successful bridge run to date - a whopping 3.5 miles total, with about .25 of that walking. If the rain holds off, and maybe even if it doesn't, we will be going again tonight. The only thing about running in the rain is chafing - I'm afraid of that. I swear, running with a buddy is going to be what makes this possible for me. Also, considering I hate to diet and I have a dress to fit in (for above-mentioned wedding in December), that is my current motivation - not to mention I announced to the (blog)world that I was doing this, and I clearly can't stop now.
Halloween is this weekend, and I don't have a costume. Maybe I'll come up with one between now and then - I do have 2 ideas that I won't share with you, yet. No hints on the surprise this time, but hopefully next time I post, I will have something more to tell you.
HOLLER!!!!!!! Totally jealous of your sweet new blog. I'm adding you to my Google Reader immediately. and I will comment, cause I'm not a STALKER