Monday, November 9, 2009

SLACK is spelled J-E-N-N-Y

Hello friends.

I know I've been slacking in the blog area of my life. I've also been slacking in the running area of my life. Last week only got 2 days of running in. Monday night's bridge run with Gilly was PERFECT! Neither of us tired or had to stop running once we started. A cool 3.something-mile run on a beautiful night. Tuesday's run was hard for me for some reason, and I had to stop and walk two separate (albeit short) times. Spoiler alert: excuse coming ahead!

Wednesday night, I had dinner with an old friend - we both skipped our workouts to fit this gathering into our plans. Say what you want, but I am a firm believer that great conversation always beats out good exercise. This particular friend has recently run a marathon, as well as participating in a few triathlons, so I could lie and say I was getting advice from him (which was on the list of topics for the evening), but we didn't quite make it that far. Next time, for sure. We did, however, discuss some other areas of our life and certain changes we both have been making, which is a perfect segue into more info on the surprise!

This friend was talking about a group he's become involved with over the last 2 months or so through his church called Year Team. The basic idea is a group of young people like ourselves who meet once a week (intense 4-hour meeting) and talk about their relationships with God and how to better themselves through Him and how to better serve Him. While he was talking, I was thinking about my own personal life-change and I filled him in on the surprise. Of course, I told him everything, and I am only going to tell y'all a bit more. Needless to say, we were both equally excited for each other's latest adventures, and he did promise to sit down and go over some training schedules with me in the next few weeks.

Ok, one big hint: I'm volunteering my time and services with Habitat for Humanity.

If you are interested in ruining the surprise for yourself, feel free to poke around on their website ( and see if you can figure it out. I'm bursting to tell you, but just can't yet.

Gilly is sick tonight, so I'll be hitting the gym alone. Promise I won't let another week go by before updating again.

XOXO (that's my new Monday blog post thing)


  1. I wanna know! I wanna know! hehe

  2. Congrats on your one great run this past week.... good luck for another one coming up soon.... I totally skipped the gym yesterday, but then dragged myself up for my first SOLO workout in over 4 months today. That's right, I'm on my own again, no more boot camp. Somehow I justify missing a few workouts by the fact that we're working on our house, when we all know that Ryan & my dad are doing most of the work -- I'm just a fetch-it girl. I think your excuse is better than mine...hopefully you ate mexican :)
