Well, I decided (after some nudging by a few people) to just go ahead and tell all...beware, this might be lengthy, as I feel I should start from the beginning.
A few months ago, I started having these weird feelings like I needed to do something else to further complete my life. I have a good job, I have plenty of friends (granted, they are scattered across the country), and obviously, my family is amazing - but I wasn't doing anything. I contemplated doing a lot of things - from plastic surgery to joining a band to moving across the country. I'm mostly kidding about those things (at least the first two). In the end, thanks to my amazing mom - who would have supported me no matter what I ended up doing, even if it was stealing strangers' kidneys and selling them on the black market - I ended up making a small, but significant choice: I would stay where I was and look for things to fill up some more of my free time.
Enter: Habitat for Humanity, International (HFHI from here on out).
For some reason, no matter where I turned, HFHI kept popping up! Seriously, in a 2-week time span, I probably ended up on their website and/or seeing their logo almost every other day. It was the strangest thing, but I didn't really think anything of it. Then, my mom and I were chatting about my life and she suggested that since my boss(es) at my job are so amazing and my job is currently secure, why didn't I look into taking a little bit of time off for a mission trip. All of a sudden, it hit me - just like when Bella realized Edward was a vampire but she didn't care, that she loved him anyw...oops. I have never had one of those experiences where I felt "the call" from God to do something, so I picked up and did it...until then. It was so obvious that He was trying to tell me that THIS was what I was supposed to do - not join a traveling family band or move to Colorado, but volunteer with Habitat for Humanity.
So, I did. I went, for what felt like the 25th time in a week, to their website and browsed their volunteer opportunities. The first thing that jumped out at me was the "Volunteer Internationally" link - keyword being International. I figured, if I was going to do this, I was going to do it right. Well, the "6 to 12 months" told me, "Hey Jenny, your job and bosses are awesome, but let's pump the brakes a little." Next, I clicked on "Global Village Program" (again, keyword being Global). That link brought up a basic explanation about the program, as well as how to apply, and a snapshot of "Featured trips." Here's where it gets interesting, so don't even think about skipping ahead.
Wouldn't you know that the very second (would have been cooler if it was the first, I know) trip listed was entitled "Run and Build trip to Guatemala!" I could NOT believe it. A half-marathon AND the opportunity to serve others through construction (one of my favorite things ever, thank you Salkehatchie and World Changers!)? All in Guatemala?? You have got to be kidding! The dates, May 13-23, 2010, are absolutely perfect, being just about 3 weeks after the Music City Marathon in Nashville - the original reason for this blog. I tried to contain myself, because I tend to have a bit of an overactive imagination, and can't you just see me spontaneously booking a flight to Guatemala for May 13th? I sent the link to my mom and went about my day. Two days later, I filled out an application online for the Global Village program. It was remniscent of applying for college - see, I ONLY applied to Clemson; likewise, I ONLY applied for the "Run and Build trip to Guatemala." If I hadn't been accepted to Clemson, my entire life would be different today. Do I think my entire life would be different if I didn't get to run and build in Guatemala? Ask me again in June, but with the overwhelming signs I got, I am leaning towards a very emphatic YES.
I got a confirmation email that included my eight-digit Habitat number, or my code name, as I sometimes/never call it. The email gave me contact information for my trip leader and told me to contact him regarding scheduling a phone interview, and also that if I hadn't heard back within one week, to contact HFHI again. I immediately emailed the leader and patiently waited for a response. And waited. And waited. And, oh hey, waited some more. Finally, one day shy of a week of waiting, he called. I let it go to voicemail (I had to play a little hard to get, right?) and called back about 30 minutes later, once I got on the road back to Charleston. We chatted for about 15 minutes and at the end, he said these magical words: "Well, it sounds like you'd be a great addition to our team and we'd love to have you. I'll send you an official email invitation in just a little while." I can't begin to express how that felt. I called my mom immediately, and then sent several text messages (yes mom, while driving with my elbows) to some interested parties. Kidding about the elbows. Five minutes later, I got the email invitation. This was progressing like a dance - sloooow, sloooow, quick, quick, quick.
The next day, I approached my boss with the news, and after she said "As long as you have the vacation time..." I quickly explained that, because I had been VERY hasty and liberal with my vacation days and only had 2 (out of 10) days left even though our days roll over in July, I was willing to take unpaid vacation for this trip. SURPRISE: My "Carryover" leave had 13 days in it! All I need to do is get approval from the big boss to use them, and why would she not approve if its for a mission trip, right? Non-refundable deposit has been paid, flights have been researched, and I'm feeling great! I won't be feeling great if I don't get approval, so I'm trying to get that taken care of as quickly as possible.
So, that's the news. Not to get all here-comes-the-sentimental-music-at-the-end-of-the-sitcom-where-the-lesson-has-finally-been-learned, but I really feel confident that I have made the right decision. If I had moved across the country, chances are I would still feel like something was missing and BONUS, I'd be across the country without anyone to lean on. I have a clear idea of what I'm supposed to be doing, at least for 11 days in May, and I can only pray that God keeps hitting me over the head with things, because I'm not that smart. For an example of why I'm not that smart, read on...
Wednesday night, I went to the gym. I was all excited to plug my headphone (one earbud fell off) into the TV and watch an hour of Family Guy, since we no longer have cable at my house. Knowing that sometimes the cable is messed up on certain machines, I should have taken my iPod in with me. Buuuuut, I didn't. And, SHOCKER, the only treadmill left was one of those without a working TV. So I'm sure my fellow gym-goers got a kick out of the girl on the end running with no headphones and staring at a blank screen for 3.5 miles. Curly showed up and made me laugh when she told me that I looked "lonely" while running. I blame her for the side stitch I couldn't get rid of.
Well, off to Columbia for Mexi's bachelorette party tonight and a full day of cleaning out the playroom to help Mom and Dad prepare for Thanksgiving, and the 3rd bi-annual "Waller Carolina/Clemson Party" the night before the game. Hoping to get a run in Saturday or Sunday morning, and look out for some more exciting things to come in the next few posts (think pictures and rainbows and Christmas, oh my!).
Friday, November 13, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
SLACK is spelled J-E-N-N-Y
Hello friends.
I know I've been slacking in the blog area of my life. I've also been slacking in the running area of my life. Last week only got 2 days of running in. Monday night's bridge run with Gilly was PERFECT! Neither of us tired or had to stop running once we started. A cool 3.something-mile run on a beautiful night. Tuesday's run was hard for me for some reason, and I had to stop and walk two separate (albeit short) times. Spoiler alert: excuse coming ahead!
Wednesday night, I had dinner with an old friend - we both skipped our workouts to fit this gathering into our plans. Say what you want, but I am a firm believer that great conversation always beats out good exercise. This particular friend has recently run a marathon, as well as participating in a few triathlons, so I could lie and say I was getting advice from him (which was on the list of topics for the evening), but we didn't quite make it that far. Next time, for sure. We did, however, discuss some other areas of our life and certain changes we both have been making, which is a perfect segue into more info on the surprise!
This friend was talking about a group he's become involved with over the last 2 months or so through his church called Year Team. The basic idea is a group of young people like ourselves who meet once a week (intense 4-hour meeting) and talk about their relationships with God and how to better themselves through Him and how to better serve Him. While he was talking, I was thinking about my own personal life-change and I filled him in on the surprise. Of course, I told him everything, and I am only going to tell y'all a bit more. Needless to say, we were both equally excited for each other's latest adventures, and he did promise to sit down and go over some training schedules with me in the next few weeks.
Ok, one big hint: I'm volunteering my time and services with Habitat for Humanity.
If you are interested in ruining the surprise for yourself, feel free to poke around on their website (www.habitat.org) and see if you can figure it out. I'm bursting to tell you, but just can't yet.
Gilly is sick tonight, so I'll be hitting the gym alone. Promise I won't let another week go by before updating again.
XOXO (that's my new Monday blog post thing)
I know I've been slacking in the blog area of my life. I've also been slacking in the running area of my life. Last week only got 2 days of running in. Monday night's bridge run with Gilly was PERFECT! Neither of us tired or had to stop running once we started. A cool 3.something-mile run on a beautiful night. Tuesday's run was hard for me for some reason, and I had to stop and walk two separate (albeit short) times. Spoiler alert: excuse coming ahead!
Wednesday night, I had dinner with an old friend - we both skipped our workouts to fit this gathering into our plans. Say what you want, but I am a firm believer that great conversation always beats out good exercise. This particular friend has recently run a marathon, as well as participating in a few triathlons, so I could lie and say I was getting advice from him (which was on the list of topics for the evening), but we didn't quite make it that far. Next time, for sure. We did, however, discuss some other areas of our life and certain changes we both have been making, which is a perfect segue into more info on the surprise!
This friend was talking about a group he's become involved with over the last 2 months or so through his church called Year Team. The basic idea is a group of young people like ourselves who meet once a week (intense 4-hour meeting) and talk about their relationships with God and how to better themselves through Him and how to better serve Him. While he was talking, I was thinking about my own personal life-change and I filled him in on the surprise. Of course, I told him everything, and I am only going to tell y'all a bit more. Needless to say, we were both equally excited for each other's latest adventures, and he did promise to sit down and go over some training schedules with me in the next few weeks.
Ok, one big hint: I'm volunteering my time and services with Habitat for Humanity.
If you are interested in ruining the surprise for yourself, feel free to poke around on their website (www.habitat.org) and see if you can figure it out. I'm bursting to tell you, but just can't yet.
Gilly is sick tonight, so I'll be hitting the gym alone. Promise I won't let another week go by before updating again.
XOXO (that's my new Monday blog post thing)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Bridge Run: FAIL!
Well, not really fail. Thursday was a weak attempt at running the bridge - we ran for probably 10 minutes total. No big deal - walking briskly is still good, right? Over the weekend, I was at home again visiting family and ended up running the Lake Murray Dam with one of my best friends, Mexi, on Saturday morning. The portion that we ran was about 2 miles total, but we ran the entire way, minus a 45-second walk after we turned around. Sure did start the day off right!
So, Gilly has given me permission to tell you about something that happened last week. It involves the importance of stretching. Actually, that's all it is. Read on...
Last week, after those killer runs on Monday and Wednesday (and my solo run at the gym on Tuesday), I was majorly stoked (shout out to LA-based BFF, hence-forth known simply as "Little Hippie") about the possibility of running the entire bridge on Thursday. Gilly was pretty excited about it, too. We've started doing a minimal amount of stretching our legs out at the end of our runs, just on the sidewalk at the base of the bridge. Let me paint you a picture:
Sorry, most of the time I think I'm a lot funnier than I actually am. Couldn't resist.
Anyway, before our runs, I usually have time to run home and change and I do some stretching before Gilly calls and I go to meet her. So I do stretches before our run, with Gilly immediately after our run, and then when I get home before I shower, I do them again. Gilly has reported that she has only been stretching when we finish our run, that little bit before we get in our cars and leave. Not a big problem, right? WRONG! Since we are just starting out, and trust me, I am in no way an expert on this, its very important to stretch these muscles out. I have had hardly any muscle soreness/tightness since beginning, and that is not necessarily the case when you don't stretch. Honestly, most of the reason I stretch before the run is that I am bored and have seen in movies that they do that, and the reason I stretch after the run is that I am too hot and sweaty to take a shower immediately. I literally stumbled upon this discovery. To conclude, stretching is important.
I can finally begin to slowly fill you in on the surprise I mentioned a while back. The first hint was that I was going to need to learn Spanish. The second hint is that I will be revisiting some of my favorite times in my childhood, or high school rather, and will need to brush off my construction skills. Yes, I am quitting my job and becoming a construction worker! No, not really. But, I did just find out yesterday that this surprise is definitely going to happen, so I plan to fill you in one blog post at a time. I love a good guessing game, and hope you do, too! Feel free to post guesses (and you can't cheat and spoil the fun if you already know what it is - aka Gilly, Curly, Mexi, Mom and Dad!) in the comments section.
XOXO (Gossip Girl tonight at 9!)
So, Gilly has given me permission to tell you about something that happened last week. It involves the importance of stretching. Actually, that's all it is. Read on...
Last week, after those killer runs on Monday and Wednesday (and my solo run at the gym on Tuesday), I was majorly stoked (shout out to LA-based BFF, hence-forth known simply as "Little Hippie") about the possibility of running the entire bridge on Thursday. Gilly was pretty excited about it, too. We've started doing a minimal amount of stretching our legs out at the end of our runs, just on the sidewalk at the base of the bridge. Let me paint you a picture:

Anyway, before our runs, I usually have time to run home and change and I do some stretching before Gilly calls and I go to meet her. So I do stretches before our run, with Gilly immediately after our run, and then when I get home before I shower, I do them again. Gilly has reported that she has only been stretching when we finish our run, that little bit before we get in our cars and leave. Not a big problem, right? WRONG! Since we are just starting out, and trust me, I am in no way an expert on this, its very important to stretch these muscles out. I have had hardly any muscle soreness/tightness since beginning, and that is not necessarily the case when you don't stretch. Honestly, most of the reason I stretch before the run is that I am bored and have seen in movies that they do that, and the reason I stretch after the run is that I am too hot and sweaty to take a shower immediately. I literally stumbled upon this discovery. To conclude, stretching is important.
I can finally begin to slowly fill you in on the surprise I mentioned a while back. The first hint was that I was going to need to learn Spanish. The second hint is that I will be revisiting some of my favorite times in my childhood, or high school rather, and will need to brush off my construction skills. Yes, I am quitting my job and becoming a construction worker! No, not really. But, I did just find out yesterday that this surprise is definitely going to happen, so I plan to fill you in one blog post at a time. I love a good guessing game, and hope you do, too! Feel free to post guesses (and you can't cheat and spoil the fun if you already know what it is - aka Gilly, Curly, Mexi, Mom and Dad!) in the comments section.
XOXO (Gossip Girl tonight at 9!)
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